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In this age of the 24-hour "Breaking News" cycle, it's very unusual to find a common sense individual in the health field addressing the cancer epidemic, much less someone from the allopathic community. When it does happen I want to be on the front lines of spreading the word, as most people still defer to their doctors for advice on how to deal with such matters. Case in point; the following piece written by someone who was covered by the mainstream media.


Organic Ozonated Castor Oil Packs

PRODUCT: The "No Mess" Castor Oil Packs


  • Single pack - $35 ea. - $7.50 USA/$20.00 Intl Shipping


  • 4" x 5" wool flannel inside a (cut-away) plastic zip bag for easy use
  • Small size ice bag for hot water
  • Information Sheet
  • 4 ounce flip top bottle of Organic Castor Oil
  • 3 ounce bottle of Ozonated Organic Castor Oil

Seeing as the Cayce readings were all about detoxing the body, it's not surprising that they led the way with the idea of loosening up the colon with castor oil packs. In Cayce's day castor oil was administered by the mothers across the country to help keep their children's bowels moving. There were a couple of problems though. First of all castor oil has an unpalatable taste and consistency. Secondly, much of it is broken down in the stomach by acids designed to break down food. Remarkably, it still worked pretty well, which is a testament to how little oil is actually needed to get things moving. Mr. Cayce took a good idea and made it better by promoting a safe method to introduce this "healing" oil through the skin at the location of the body where it could be of the most benefit. Be it his discussion of the ileocecal valve (the sphincter valve between the small and large intestine), or the drain down between the liver and gall duct, or how un-kinking the colon would send a signal to the preyers patches and ultimately the rest of the lymphatic system, the use of the castor oil pack opened the door for a heightened understanding of the human body and set the stage for lifting global consciousness.

So then, where did we go wrong? Two things really; failure to make the packs as they were suggested in the readings which ultimately led to the individual's inability to get much out of it. Let me ask you something: Have you ever seen an ileocecal valve? This thing is tiny. Practically unnoticeable when reviewing the human body, yet the readings repeatedly stress the importance of keeping this intestinal regulator functioning normally. When it's stuck open there's no back pressure within the lower G.I. tract, and when it's stuck shut, the resulting leaching can poison the underlying mesenteric nerve plexus, which Cayce refers to as the brain of the central nervous system, resulting and/or contributing to a host of disorders, imbalances, and degenerative disorders. Addressing the ileocecal valve is amongst the most vital factors of the human condition to those familiar with the body and how it works, and this is but one example of how the castor oil pack can be used to affect a beneficial result.

Now, let's look at the castor oil pack being made commercially. It's a virtual wrap size-wise for most people, and it's promoted to be used with enormous amounts of castor oil. History has already shown us that only tiny amounts of oil are needed to get things moving, so why the “more is better” philosophy here? Once again the usual culprits are to blame; greed and ignorance. Greed from the purveyors who want to sell you more, and the ignorance from the rest of us. The castor oil pack has fallen from favor primarily because it’s too big and messy, and once the oil gets on your sheets and furniture, it does not come out due to it's permeating nature. The instructors at the Cayce massage school teach their students to use these packs with layers of plastic, old towels, and electric heating pads. In so doing they have undermined the most basic law of the Cayce health/illness discussion which is that people need to take responsibility for their own well-being. Making it so complicated only assures the opposite will happen.

Despite all this the castor oil pack was quite effective at delivering the castor oil into the body of those using it for the past 80 years. However, when you stop to consider this oil comes from South America where there are no rules or regulations pertaining to the use of herbicides and pesticides, you begin to understand why the collective unconscious of the tens of thousands who ascribed to this doctrine, ultimately let it go. In a cruel twist of fate, the very people who were trying to eliminate toxins, may have been doing just the opposite. Interestingly enough, Mr. Cayce warned us on many occasions that anything which held potential to benefit the body, when abused or misused, held the equal and opposite potential.

I, for one, want to try this concept again, only this time I'll use a small pack I can control, and the organic castor oil aligned with the Cayce perspective. Maybe this time the results will be different.


Our single price levels the field for individuals, practitioners, and health stores alike. You may place your order below using the appropriate table depending on your location.

  • Organic Ozonated Castor Oil Pack - $35 each
    Shipping $7.50 per castor oil pack

  • Organic Ozonated Castor Oil Pack - $35 each
    Shipping $12.50 per castor oil pack

  • Organic Ozonated Castor Oil Pack - $35 each
    Shipping $20.00 per castor oil pack

Price includes basic product information.


There are two ways to order our product:

Order Method 1) Please make check or money order out to:

Phil Thomas
3 Lakeview Ave.
Jamestown, NY 14701
(407) 965-9903

NOTE: No checks from outside the United States. Please use postal money orders made out in U.S. funds.

Order Method 2) You may pay by credit card using Paypal. The Paypal e-mail address is this e-mail address. Please use our shopping cart above to pay with Paypal.

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