Cayce Concepts is all About Edgar Cayce and his teachings.
100% Organic, GMO Free
Edgar Cayce
Detoxified Iodine
Magnesium Spray
Digest-Aid Tonic
Breathe Deeply Inhalant
Samson's Hair Tonic
Sulfur Salts
Cletus' Colitis Tonic
Passion Flower Fusion
Castor Oil Packs
Karma Cleanse
Chewy's Tooth and Gum Balm
Budsky's Hemorrhoid Cream
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In this age of the 24-hour "Breaking News" cycle, it's very unusual to find a common sense individual in the health field addressing the cancer epidemic, much less someone from the allopathic community. When it does happen I want to be on the front lines of spreading the word, as most people still defer to their doctors for advice on how to deal with such matters. Case in point; the following piece written by someone who was covered by the mainstream media.


Chewy's Tooth and Gum Balm

PRODUCT: Chewy's Tooth and Gum Balm


  • Single Tub (2 oz) - $10.00 ea. - $10.00 USA/$15.00 Intl Shipping
  • Ten-Pack (10) of Tubs - $75 ea. - $15.00 USA/$40.00 Intl Shipping

Our pricing levels the field for individuals, practitioners, and health stores alike. You may place your order below using the appropriate table depending on your location.

Carrying on with the Cayce precept that there are only four essential elements (water, salt, soda, and iodine) and that with these four the body can perform all of its functions, and taking into consideration that of all the products set forth in the readings this is the only one which incorporates each of these primary elements, you can begin to see why this is such an important concept. Let's also remember that back in Cayce's day oral hygiene was not emphasized nearly as much as it is today, and consequently the readings were making an attempt to bridge the veritable gap between tooth and gum, where bacteria easily upsets the natural equilibrium between the two, rubbing the area with a disinfecting balm only made good sense. Beginning with the (real) salt and soda tooth powder, and a touch of good tasting peppermint oil, the balm also includes a bit of Mr. Cayce's once again popular detoxified iodine to keep down the bacteria count as well as just enough prickly ash bark extract to turn the blend into a gooey paste. This was one of a handful of products which was originally going to be marketed by the Home Health branch of the organization, but somehow was left on the drawing board until now. The only question left to answer is does this simple product hold promise of not only maintaining the interface between the tooth and gum along with revealing the inner workings of human cosmology? There’s only one way to know for sure.


  • Chewy's Tooth and Gum Balm (One 2-oz tub) - $10.00 each
    Shipping $10.00 per tub
  • Ten-Pack Chewy's Tooth and Gum Balm (10 2-oz tubs) - $75.00 each 10-pack
    Shipping $15.00 per 10-pack

  • Chewy's Tooth and Gum Balm (One 2-oz tub) - $10.00 each
    Shipping $15.00 per tub
  • Ten-Pack Chewy's Tooth and Gum Balm (10 2-oz tubs) - $75.00 each 10-pack
    Shipping $40.00 per 10-pack

Price includes basic product information.


There are two ways to order our product:

Order Method 1) Please make check or money order out to:

Phil Thomas
3 Lakeview Ave.
Jamestown, NY 14701
(407) 965-9903

NOTE: No checks from outside the United States. Please use postal money orders made out in U.S. funds.

Order Method 2) You may pay by credit card using Paypal. The Paypal e-mail address is this e-mail address. Please use our shopping cart above to pay with Paypal.

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HomeDetoxified IodineMagnesium SprayDigest Aid TonicSamson's Hair Tonic
Breathe Deeply InhalantSulfur SaltsCletus' Colitis TonicPassion Flower FusionCastor Oil Packs
Karma CleanseClarity/SageChewy's Tooth and Gum Balm
Budsky's Hemorrhoid CreamMake A PaymentContact Us

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